The use of functional fitness equipment

Functional training equipment is in much hype these days. This refers to anything that allows you to perform free form & dynamic exercise wherein your body is free to move in all dimensions. The most common example is kettlebell.  However, functional training has become very popular now within the health and fitness community. It includes using the multiple muscle groups in more than one plane of motion.


The training involves the use of spine, hips, shoulders, elbows, ankles and knees. However, when performed in the right way, it can reduce the risks of injury, thereby improving the quality of your life. 

It incorporates the use of multiple muscles and joints at the same time for training the entire body. The most common examples include, squatting to bicep curls, step up exercises with weights and also multidirectional lunges. 

Functional fitness workout prepares the body to perform common activities and day to day work like cleaning the yard or vacuuming the home efficiently. For an instance, while performing a lunge, keep a leg in one place and use the other for stepping out. Move sideways, backwards and in front. It is the way you clean your yard.

In squatting with bicep curls, different kinds of weights are used. Mimic as if you are carrying a basket or a young child. Make sure you place your feet apart from the shoulders. 

Another example of functional training includes working out with dumbbells. Hold them at the side and slowly bend your hips, ankles and knees. Hold the position until the knees make the right angle. Stretch your arms and move the dumbbells towards your shoulders.

However, if you are over the age of 40, do not start functional exercises on your own. Talk to your doctor first. Your doctor knows your medical history. He is the best person to recommend whether or not you are fit for the regime.

Slowly and gradually you will see a huge change in your physique and living style. You can make a workout easy with the functional fitness equipment. 

Get one from a reputable fitness equipment manufacturer. Search for such firms online or in local directories. Call three to four agencies and choose the one that is highly experienced and has a high reputation in the industry. Buying gym equipment is a costly investment, so make sure you search well about the manufacturer and equipment both.

Movestrong Fit is a specialty equipment manufacturer based in the US. We specialize in manufacturing outdoor and indoor fitness equipment. Call us for more details or submit your queries online.


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