The functional training for the best results

Functional training involves working out using bands, free weights, stability balls and other equipment that challenge’s an individual’s core strength, balance and also involves multiple muscle groups. It includes exercises that involve complex and multi-joint movements of the upper, lower and core body. 

The movement enables overall better body functioning and enhances coordination and proper stimulation of muscle firing patterns.

What makes it different from other workout regime?

However, it involves workout that is efficient and effective both. It means it improves both form and function without wasting any effort.  It works as it focuses on the muscles that are used daily for complex movements. 

It is training with a purpose. In other words, it includes multi-faceted approaches to improve strength and overall conditioning of muscles. 

The motive.....

In the beginning, this approach was only exclusive to the sports medicine field and rehabilitation in order to help patients regain their strength. It involved activities like how to lift boxes, turn wrenches, push wheel barrels and carry beams. It works on an idea that every person should perform some physical labor usually, either lifting, pushing or pulling an object. 

It integrates all the aspect of bodily movements. It involves the use of your spine, shoulders, elbows, ankles, hip and knees. However, if done carefully, it reduces the risks of contracting an injury and improving the quality of your life.  It incorporates the use of multiple muscles and joints at the same time. 

A few examples......

These involve squatting, bicep curls, step up workouts with weight.  If you are to do a lunge, keep a leg at one place and use the other for stepping out. Move sideways, backwards or to the front. Continue the movement until your knee attains the right angle. Make sure the rear knee is parallel with the floor. 

While squatting with bicep curls use different kinds of weights and mimic the action as if you are carrying a basket or a young child.

Hold dumbbells on one side and slowly bend your hips, ankles and knees until you make a right angle. Slowly get back to the starting posture and turn the palms of your hands towards the ceilings. Stretch the arms and move the dumbbells inwards to your shoulder. 

Slowly and gradually add more and more exercises to your regime and you will see a huge improvement in your capacity of performing your daily activities. 

With functional fitness equipment, you not only feel healthy, but also can improve the quality of your life. Get in touch with Movestrong Fit to buy perfect functional fitness equipment for you at the best rates. Call us for details or email us your queries.             `


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