
Showing posts from December, 2015

Commercial Gym Equipment

Now-a-days people are fitness freak and want to be healthy and devoid of any illness. A toned body gives a feeling of self confidence and a feeling of peace. Commercial gyms provide a spacious area equipped with commercial equipments and facility of an expert gym trainer. It helps you to achieve perfect fitness you looked for such as toned muscles, six pack abs, increased stamina, enhanced power and endurance. Here is the list of some of commercial gym equipment and its various uses- 1.      Treadmill - It is one of the most popular commercial gym equipment that is used to shed off some extra weight and burn extra calories. It is a warm-up exercise done initially before starting any hardcore exercise. 2.      Stationery Biking - It is one of the easiest way of doing indoor biking fixed at one place. It is common commercial gym equipment easy to operate. It helps to reduce the calories and increase body stamina. 3.  ...

Functional Fitness Training Tools

What is Functional Fitness Training?   Functional Fitness training is a training that trains your muscles to work together and prepare them for daily tasks to be performed. It helps in simulating the common movements that you might do at home, work place, or in sports. The focus of this training is to give you the ability to do everything in your daily life without any pain. For instance - Squat is a type of functional exercise that trains the muscles in bending up and rising up. These exercises can be carried out in home or gym. The advantage of carrying out these activities in gyms is that gyms provide functional fitness training tools that are used in the workouts. Some of the tools for functional training are- ·         Stability or balance balls ·         Medicine balls ·         Kettle bells ·         Wobble Boa...